The Lion laughed at such nonsense, but he let him go. A short time later, though, the Lion was caught by some hunters. They bound him by ropes to the ground. The Mouse recognized his roar, and he rushed over and gnawed the rope with his teeth, setting the Lion free. The Mouse said "You laughed at the idea of my ever being able to help you. Now you know that it is possible for even a small little Mouse to help a great big Lion." The Fox and the Crow A Crow stole a bit of meat, and she perched in a tree, holding it firmly in her beak. A Fox saw her there and knew he wanted the meat for himself. He came up with a plan. "How handsome is the Crow," he said. "Her shape is beautiful and her feathers bright. If only her voice were equal to her beauty, she would be called the Queen of Birds!" He lied when he said this, but the Crow was vain. She wanted to show the Fox that her voice really was as beautiful as he said.